The process begins with 1 on 1 sessions with team members for about 30 minutes each. Questions will be asked to establish what’s working well, what’s not working well, high leverage activities, toxic disablers, factors impacting engagement and skills gaps.  A report with the themes and findings will be presented to the executive leadership.

This is followed by a team alignment session that’s typically 1 or 2 days. The session usually includes the elements such as behavioural profiling (using Insights or alternative Online Evaluators). The Workshop will start with developing an understanding of self, others and adapting and connecting. Skills and models for giving and receiving feedback will be shared and practiced.

The team alignment session will give an overview of the themes that emerged in the 1 on 1 sessions. Opportunity will be created for staff to share working roles, frustrations, challenges and support needed. The workshop will also examine current strengths and overextensions and in addition to this, emotional triggers of individuals.

Critical team factors will be discussed and the team will have an opportunity to assess their team effectiveness using a guided approach.

Participants will be given an opportunity to co-create the future through problem solving. Core values, attitudes and behaviours will be established through a conversation café approach.

A report will be generated emphasizing the way forward and possible recommendations. This process will assist us in establishing the culture and leadership brand.